The Polyphonic Dances company presents to the public MAMA SY YIÁ, a dance piece that brings to light the theme of motherhood in its many layers. The work focuses on the meeting between three dancing mothers: Sofia Tsirakis, Inaê Moreira and Dora Selva. From their most intimate experiences springs each gesture that composes the dance, and so unveils the creative potential that is being a mother; its pains and delights. This dance ended up flowing into the great mother orixá, Oxum: a river that ebbs and flows, that extends and expands, overflows, modulates and gives contour. An embrace that sways. The performance also features the special participation of Babalorixá Sidnei Nogueira, from the house Ile Ase Sangó (CCRIAS), who will perform a choreographic intervention to open the mothers' dance in honor of Oxum and the maternal orixás.
There were many research sources for preparing the project, however, the most important thing is written in the name itself: MAMA is "mother", SY means “mother” in Tupi, and YIÁ, “mother” in Yoruba. MAMA SY YIÁ reflects the questions and experiences of the spirit of our time, such as the decolonization of affections, but brings us the importance of a new look at motherhood and the care of children in our world today. The direction is made by Sofia Tsirakis and the musical score by her partner and composer André Balboni. This dream of the Polyphonic Dances company was only made possible thanks to the support from Fomento à Dança da Cidade de São Paulo (2023).
Director Sofia Tsirakis
Dance Inaê Moreira, Dora Selva, Sofia Tsirakis
Special guest Sidnei Nogueira
Music and Dramaturgy André Balboni
Art direction and scener Andrea Barbour
Figurine Flávia Aranha
Lighting Design Gabriele Souza
Executive and administrative production Iolanda Sinatra
Production assistant Stella Balboni
Press office Purpurina Comunicação e Cultura
Graphic art Isabelle Passos
Photos Marina Nacamuli