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The Polyphonic Dances company presents the exhibition “Dance in relation to children”, between August 31st and September 3rd of 2023, bringing dance shows, videos and jams to the Salas Crisantempo (Vila Madalena), Paissandú and Olido (Center) of São Paulo. The exhibition investigates the parental relationship between children and their caregivers, but also focuses on another theme that involves the lives of little ones: the lack of space for them in the world of adults.


Sala Crisantempo - 31/08/2023 às 19h30 


a purple poem film in six stanzas peeled from the body in dialogue with animals, leaves, flowers and daughters. between pink and crimson, contour and twist the pain. B O N I N A was created and filmed in December 2021 in the city of Bichinho, in Campo das Vertentes, MG.


Direction, conception, acting and dance: Morena Nascimento

Photography and camera 1 : Andre Frade Andrade

Drone and camera 2: Roberto Castello Branco. 

Direction of editing: Morena Nascimento

Technical edition: Andre Frade Andrade

Participation: Mia Nascimento Chaves, Silvana Nascimento, Galinha Assucena, Cadela Malou, Cadela Pina, Gata Sarita

Thanks: Iara Wisnik, Karine Assis, Silvana Nascimento, Mia Nascimento Chaves E Seu Vicente

Duration: 16 min


Motherhood flowing between giving birth, caring for the light, going through the dark and brighten. And the work happening between intimacy and the temporal and spatial organization of a child playing with his mother.


Dance: Érica Tessarolo e Otto Tessarolo Dias

Music: Daniel Dias e Lucas Casacio

Video: Érica Tessarolo e Daniel Dias

Duration:  8min


Dancer Sofia Tsirakis and musician André Balboni prepare for a journey. They are pregnant and awaiting the arrival of the couple's first child: Theodoro. Around 8 months into the pregnancy, the couple decided to make a film to celebrate the arrival of baby boy Theo. The film was recorded on Barra do Sahy beach, on the north coast of São Paulo, and features choreography by mother Sofia and music by father André. The dance film Waiting for Theo seeks to explore the different layers and beauties of pregnancy, from the metamorphosis of the body to the encounter with motherhood itself.





Editing and montage: STELLA BALBONI

Duration: 4 minutos


a dance video with an improvised dramaturgical composition that dialogues with music, the landscape of Minas Gerais and the accidental participation of my daughter Mia Nascimento Chaves.


Direction and Dance: Morena Nascimento

Participation: Mia Nascimento Chaves

Camera and editing: André Frade Andrade

Music: BiIlie Holiday, Joan Baez/Led Zeppel, Alva Noto&Ryuichi Sakamoto

Thanks: Pousada Bau Brasil

Duration: 9min 16s

Filmed in Bichinho, Campo das Vertentes, MG, in june of 2020


For the Yoruba “omi” means water. we worship a deity who is the river itself. we worship the sea. we insist on greeting omi, in front of these forests of devastated memories. omi tutu, water-prayer that eases pain, penetrates and germinates the seeds of tomorrow. omi, my body bursts when giving birth. golden water meeting its blue face, ocean. I dance as an affluent that does not desert itself in the face of genocidal, racist, ecocidal structures. I present the womb of iyá, the ever-liquid crack that regenerates everything. uncontrollable mother liquor that resists the inescapable pain of the colonial experience.


A work by Inaê Moreira with and for Ayomi. A co-prodution with cercocoreográfico

Images: João Calixto

text: "Transatlântika, o livro de areia" de Mo Maie

Sound: Caíque Mello

Duration: 3 min 19s


Poetic documentary that follows the relationship between Toshiko, a Japanese dancer based in Brazil, and her 11-year-old son Kae. The sea is the setting and body expression is the language that is built between the two, since Kae did not develop verbal language.



Original idea: TOSHIKO OIWA


Duration: 29 minutos.


Salas Paissandú e Olido - 01 à 03/09/2023


Date and time 09/01 at 7pm

Location Sala Paissandú (Av. São João, 74. São Paulo, Centro)

Puerperium is, according to the Houaiss Dictionary: " A period that elapses from birth until the woman's genitals and general condition return to pre-pregnancy conditions”. They generally assign 5 to 6 weeks of postpartum for pregnant people, however, consider that the general condition of the pregnant woman to return to her previous conditions in such a short period of time, it seems completely unreal. Between two to three years seems more realistic. And does "return" fit in this situation? This work is about the experience within that period: a solo scenic improvisation with a woman who dances and talks about the postpartum period the moment she experiences it.

Performer-creator Anna Luiza Marques

Direction, light, sound and editing Diogo Granato

Duration 50 minutes

​Mandala Playground ou Flores na Areia


Date and time 09/02 at 19pm 

Location Sala Olido (Av. São João, 74. São Paulo, Centro)

Father and son, Theo Silva Iazzetta and Ricardo Iazzetta, meet in a space made of paper and sand, which gradually reveals nuances and colors, dances and landscapes. Together, they create a colorful reality, painting time with music and gesture and space with color and sound. A performance open to the participation of children and companions – a place for events, a meeting of creation and play. The presentation is also driven by the desire to meet to create a symbolic garden together. In this performance proposal that is open to the public as a collective device, father and son come together in a circle of colored sand (anti-allergenic, from a playground), for a dance .

Creation and dance Théo Silva Iazzetta and Ricardo Iazzetta

Soundtrack André Menezes

Artistic Assistance Key Sawao

Duration 25min

Sagração do agora!

Date and time 09/03 at 18pm 

Location Sala Olido (Av. São João, 74. São Paulo, Centro)


Rite of Now! is a dance piece by Toshiko Oiwa and her special son Kae, aged 12, about the musical composition "The Rite of Spring", composed by Igor Stravinsky in 1913. The current piece proposes a different reinterpretation of that commonly presented by major music companies. dance, which present the theme of sacrifice and the fear of death with the final dance of a maiden chosen for sacrifice. The new version is a duo dance between mother and son that portrays their relationship, while the music refers to a wild nature that includes their bodies, the Earth and the other planets, and the artists simply interpret the real sensations that the work of Stravinsky provokes them. The show Sagração do Agora! was awarded in 2021 by the Funding Notice from the Deodato Santana Foundation, in São Sebastião, SP.


Creator and dancer Toshiko Oiwa

Special artist Kae Oiwa Pires

Sound and light technician Evandro dos Santos Pires

Dramaturgy provocation Lu Favoreto

Language consultancy Fernanda Cruz

Production and administration Luciana Haucke Porta

Duration 40 minutes

 © 2021 by Sofia Tsirakis.  São Paulo, SP - dancaspolifonicas  - 

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